Blue Line Extension Corridor Mapping: Vacancy and Ownership
This mapping application was created for the Blue Line Anti-Displacement Work Group to identify investor-owned single-family homes, vacancies and foreclosures, and publicly owned parcels within 1.5 miles of the proposed light rail route. The tool aims to serve as a resource for the work group and government agencies in developing strategies and policies around limiting investor ownership and increasing community ownership throughout the corridor.
Mapping Application for Street Roots
This mapping application was created for Street Roots, a non-profit organization in Oregon that publishes a weekly social justice newspaper sold by people experiencing homelessness and poverty to earn an income. The primary purpose of this application is to aid customers in finding the closest vendor location, vendor Venmo IDs, and vendor hours. An internal map was also created to help Street Roots keep track of vendor locations, open posts, and types of vendor posts (i.e. grocery store, church.)
Oregon Anti-Displacement Mapping Tool
The Anti-Displacement Mapping Tool is a joint effort of Oregon Housing and Community Services and Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. The purpose of this tool is to provide a resource to better understand the gentrification and displacement dynamics occurring in Oregon’s communities, and with this knowledge, link appropriate funding programs and housing production strategies to stabilize these communities.
Oregon Affordable Rental Housing Dashboard
This dashboard is designed to interactively educate and inform interested parties about both the state of affordable rental housing in Oregon, as well as give an overview of the various actions of Oregon Housing and Community Services to finance the construction, preservation, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing.
Oregon County Profiles Dashboard
This dashboard aims to tell a more comprehensive story about why Oregon has the kind of housing problems it does, specifically regarding the lack of affordable housing units, the high cost of buying a home, and high levels of homelessness across the state. The county profiles are broken up into five sections of data that users can interact with: population, poverty and income, homeownership, rental housing, and homelessness.
Publicly Supported Housing Preservation Dashboard
This dashboard visualizes publicly subsidized projects that are subject to the PuSH preservation process, with affordability restrictions expiring in the next 10 years.
Oregon manufactured home park inventory mapping application
This mapping application shows the locations of all mobile/manufactured home parks reported to Oregon Housing and Community Services. Other layers display demographic and housing information from the American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates, various geographic boundaries, markers for OHCS-supported park preservation projects since 2006, and the service areas of numerous energy utility providers.
Oregon manufactured home park inventory mapping application
These maps were created to support Oregon’s Regional Housing Needs Analysis, which estimates existing housing stock, analyzes housing shortages, and estimates needed housing units for all cities in Oregon. These maps show units with affordability restrictions as a percentage of the total rental stock for regions across the state.
housing stability & 1-4 unit rental properties in Minneapolis
These maps were completed for Master’s research in partnership with the City of Minneapolis, and visualize variables such as available rentals, rental license ownership, gross rent and cost burden, race, rental conditions, and housing violations. These maps support a larger capstone project that analyzes the location and ownership of 1-4 unit rental properties in Minneapolis, and provides program and policy recommendations based on spatial analysis and qualitative interviews.